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So, why are panoramic picture frames so popular among picture enthusiasts?
- They are a fun and unique way to capture breathtaking vistas and tall landscapes like the Eiffel tower or the Statue of Liberty.
- They offer an artistic, non-standard shape that adds a unique look to your picture wall. Instead of the traditional rectangular shape, a panoramic frame adds a different dimension wherever you want to place it.
- They are a less expensive option to framing a custom panoramic print. Many times panoramic photos are taken because the object is tall or is a breathtaking vista or view. And a panoramic picture frame is your best option to avoiding an expensive custom frame.
Before you buy a panoramic picture frame here are a few things you should know.
Panoramic Photo Basics-
There are several ways to take panoramic pictures. You can use a panoramic Advanced Photo System (APS) film camera, a digital camera with a panoramic setting or you can digitally "stitch" together multiple pictures together to make a panoramic photo.
Panoramic photos got their start with film cameras and APS film, so there are a few standard panoramic picture sizes available to fit that format. But now with digital cameras and image "stitching" software, panoramic sizes aren't limited to the old APS film so you can find panoramic frames in a few other sizes.
If you want to frame your panoramic picture there are only a few main options to choose from with ready-made panoramic frames. Panoramic photo frames come in three common sizes 3.5x10, 4x10 and 4x12. Most panoramic styles are exceptionally simple with simple, clean lines and come in either metal or wood finishes. The most common panoramic frame finish is wood because it's available in a wide variety of stained colors and can give your photo a more custom look to compliment the tones in the image.
With the variety of colors and classic simple style of panoramic frames they will compliment almost any decor and will look great with your favorite panoramic picture. So despite the decreasing availability of APS film, panoramic picture frames won't be disappearing anytime soon. So keep on taking lots of panoramic photos and have fun using these creative, fun frames to decorate your home.